03 December 2010

Catching up...again

Tuesday - Woke up, went to school where classes went pretty well. My ICRP also went pretty well, I helped a different group and told the teacher that Thursday I would bring something special for Thanksgiving. Then I had another class which went ok and then I went home, did some homework, relaxed, and went to bed.

Wednesday - Woke up early to do some extra work, went to school where I got yelled at for writing my homework instead of emailing it. Then I had a decent lunch and did some more work. After that I had two boring classes, went back home, did some homework, chilled, and went to bed.

Thursday - Pretty much started out the same as Tuesday until my FLE class. During FLE I finished the work she was having us do so I drew a turkey for Thanksgiving. The teacher saw it and instead of yelling at me had me present to the other international students the tradition of Thanksgiving. I talked for 5 minutes and then didn't do any more drawing the rest of class. Then during lunch I rushed around to print out the coloring pages for Thanksgiving, eat lunch, and get on the tram to go to my ICRP. During class I once again presented the concept of Thanksgiving and some of the students colored a turkey. Then I went home, relaxed, talked to my family including aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, who I havn't talked to in ages!,until it was time to go to the restaurant.

At the restaurant we had "Thanksgiving dinner". It was not a true Thanksgiving dinner for several reasons in my mind which I will further describe later. It started out with talking to everyone (there was all 7 of us K students, our host parents, our teachers, and Louise who is from Kansas and studying at the ESC as well). Then we all sat down, I sat down next to Lauren, her host dad and Jake's host dad. It was alot of fun and the conversation was good. 

The first course was Turkey, some meat thing that I wasn't quite sure of but tasted ok, red current jelly (not cranberry - which I don't eat anyways),  green beans and potatoes. 

The second course was a plate of cheese (of course) and dinner was not pumpkin pie but a chocolate thing with cream inside it.

After over 2 hours we were done so I returned to my house to relax a bit before going to sleep. The reasons why this Thanksgiving dinner wasn't very satisfying are: 1) I wasn't overly stuffed, 2)No corn casserole, 3)We didn't go around the table and say what we are thankful for, 4) There was no parade, 5)There was no dog show 6)And the worst part was NO PUMPKIN PIE! :(
(However, number 6 was halfway remedied the next week...)

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